New England Street

Brighton BN1 518 views
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Opening in Summer 23, New England Street is the place to be for any ambitious business. With in-built sustainability features, pet friendly offices, an honesty bar & café and an on-sight concierge team of local experts all under one roof!

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

Located 5 minutes from Brighton Train Station and 70 minutes from Central London & in the heart of an exciting new £80M development 200 metres from Brighton railway station.

Office Facilities

  • Furnished
  • Hot Desking
  • Lounge Areas
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Shared Space

Comms / IT

  • Broadband Access
  • Cabling
  • WiFi
Location Brighton BN1
  • New England Street
    < 0.1 miles
  • Brighton
    0.4 miles
  • Shoreham
    11.7 miles