Noble House

Milton Keynes MK14 640 views
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This office space offers fully air-conditioned 20,000 sqft of newly refurbished office space set over 3 floors, with extensive parking. The centre has been designed to offer state of the art modern, spacious, bright and airy space both within the offices and the numerous break out and kitchen areas.

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

Located within close proximity to many other business, transport links such as Wolverton railway station and plenty of amenities, like restaurants, shops and entertainment centres.

Office Facilities

  • Furnished
  • Meeting Rooms
  • On Site Car Parking


  • Manned Reception


  • CCTV
  • Alarm Security

Comms / IT

  • On Site IT Support
  • WiFi


  • Twenty Four Hour Access
  • Air Conditioning
  • Disabled Access Facilities
  • Lifts
Location Milton Keynes MK14
  • Redbridge Roundabout South
    < 0.1 miles
  • Milton Keynes Central
    3.2 miles
  • London Luton
    35.6 miles