Hadrian House

Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 681 views
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This centre is a prominent, eight storey, city centre office building. The building offers 2,717 sqm (29,245 sqft) of available refurbished office accommodation with 41 on-site car parking spaces. The suites are open-plan and are already fitted out to a high standard with meeting rooms, kitchens and terraces. The building benefits from a manned reception, break-out areas, free guest Wi-Fi, lift and stair access to the suites.

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

A highly visible position which is 200 yards north of Newcastle's prime retail and leisure core.

Office Facilities

  • Furnished
  • Lounge Areas
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Shared Space
  • On Site Car Parking


  • Admin Support
  • Manned Reception


  • CCTV
  • Manned Security
  • Alarm Security

Comms / IT

  • Broadband Access
  • Cabling
  • WiFi


  • Twenty Four Hour Access
  • Air Conditioning
  • Disabled Access Facilities
  • Lifts
Location Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1
  • John Dobson Street-Carliol Street-S
    0.1 miles
  • Manors
    0.4 miles
  • Newcastle International
    9.2 miles