Brindley Place

Birmingham B1 576 views
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This centre is designed to support and inspire companies on their journey to success. With wellbeing, collaboration, and fun at the heart of this entrepreneurial hub, it is more than just a place to put your laptop, it’s a destination for business and personal development. Alongside a thriving community are amenities that the largest of corporates would be proud of – ranging from event space to a tech- enabled gym.

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

Located a few minutes walk West of the city centre Brindleyplace is perfectly positioned next to Arena Birmingham and the International Convention Centre (ICC), and is accessible by car, foot, bike, train, bus, and even by boat.

Office Facilities

  • Furnished
  • Lounge Areas
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Unbranded Office Space
  • On Site Car Parking


  • Manned Reception


  • CCTV
  • Alarm Security

Comms / IT

  • Broadband Access
  • Cabling
  • WiFi


  • Gymnasium
  • On Site Cafe Restaurant
Location Birmingham B1
  • Brindley Place
    0.1 miles
  • Five Ways
    0.8 miles
  • Birmingham International
    12.2 miles