St Vincent Street

Glasgow G1 1261 views
Vincent Street Reception
Vincent Street Lifts
Vincent Street Restrooms
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St Vincent Place is a modern 1980's new build behind a stunning 1873 Grade B listed façade. The building benefits from plentiful natural light and great accessibility including onsite lifts and raised access floors. There are eight secure garaged car spaces available for a fee ensuring an easy commute. Certain suites benefit from a notable modern fit-out including dedicated meeting rooms, kitchens and internet lines. Influential businesses within the centre already include William Hill, Digital Barriers, Clements CA and OFCOM.

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

The property occupies a prime position within the heart of Glasgow's central business district close to the prime retail area of Buchanan Street. St Vincent Place links St Vincent Street and George Square and is one of Glasgow's premier business addresses. In recent years this area has also seen a number of popular retailers open including The Anchor Line, The Standing Room and Urban Bar & Restaurant while Prezzo occupies the ground floor of the office building.

Office Facilities

  • Furnished
  • Lounge Areas
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Shared Space
  • Unbranded Office Space


  • Manned Reception
  • Telephone Answering


  • CCTV

Comms / IT

  • Broadband Access
  • Telephone System
  • WiFi


  • Twenty Four Hour Access
  • Disabled Access Facilities
  • Lifts
Location Glasgow G1
  • Buchanan Street
    < 0.1 miles
  • Glasgow Queen Street
    0.2 miles
  • Glasgow
    11.9 miles