Wallisdown Road

Poole BH12 1505 views
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Garden Area
Garden Area
Office Suite
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With businesses and their employees at the heart, these offices are modern and inviting. Workspaces are available on flexible lease terms inclusive of shared broadband and handsets. This contemporary business centre has recently undergone a substantial refurbishment to include a new reception area, improved kitchenette and W.C. as well as open plan office accommodation. The staffed reception operates throughout business hours providing a warm greeting for guests and a professional call answering service for members. The office suites feature LED lighting, air conditioning, suspended ceilings and raised flooring. Externally, one parking space is available per office suite. Further facilities include; an onsite café, 24-hour building access, postal services and reliable security.

Call our partners Officio on 0203 053 3890 and say you saw it on Office Genie, or send an email.

This business centre is located on one of the main principle routes between Poole and Bournemouth. Wallisdown Road benefits from being on a busy bus route and is approximately four miles from Bournemouth Train Station. Bournemouth International Airport is approximately also around seven miles away.

Office Facilities

  • Furnished
  • Hot Desking
  • Lounge Areas
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Shared Space
  • On Site Car Parking


  • Manned Reception
  • Telephone Answering


  • CCTV

Comms / IT

  • Broadband Access
  • Cabling
  • Telephone System
  • WiFi


  • Twenty Four Hour Access
  • Air Conditioning
  • Disabled Access Facilities
  • Lifts
Location Poole BH12
  • Wallisdown Roundabout
    0.1 miles
  • Branksome
    2.3 miles
  • Bournemouth
    6.5 miles